General information:

Welcome. Our practices are open on monday to friday from 08.00h to 17.00h. We kindly ask you to call us before 10:00h. In case of emergency you can call the same number and in case of a life threatening event always call the national emergency number: 112

Out of hours (17.00h-08.00u and weekends): +31 85 5360300

New patients:

The practices of doctor Burgers, Wijffels & Hekking are currently closed to new patients.

Booking appointments
You can book appointments every day of the week between 08:00h – 09:30h.

The normal consultationtime at the doctor is approximately 10 minutes. If you need more time or if you have more than 1 problem you want to discuss with the doctor, please inform the assistent in advance.

Home visits
In case you need to see a doctor, but you are not able to visit the practice, the doctor can make a home visit. Home visits are only available for people who can’t visit the practice because of medical reasons. If you would like the doctor to make a home visit, please consult the assistant before 09:30h in the morning.

Consultation by telephone
When you would like to discuss a simple problem with the doctor by telephone (e.g. for lab results), you can let the assistant know.

We read our email everyday. It is for short questions and short answers. Medical questions are usually better answered with face to face contact. It is not possible to make appointments by email

The assistants
Apart from all the administrative and medical questions, the assistants perform simple medical procedures. They can check your blood pressure, check on diabetes, remove stitches, check urine samples for bladder infection, dress a wound, give injections and more. Please call before you would like the assistant to help you with something.

Why your physicians refuse to issue ‘medical declarations’
